The premise:
The same group that recently did the NBA "City Reconstruction Project" stuck together, dubbed ourselves The Jersey Club, recruited 5 new members and got back to work. Our new project? Create a mashup uniform for each NBA team, celebrating the uniform history of each franchise for the upcoming NBA 75th anniversary. The result? What we call the Heritage Edition uniforms.
This time each designer got two teams, plus Casey Vitelli and Mike Joseph (aka the duo that runs
@NBAUniTracker) surprised the group with a bonus Seattle Sonics uniform just as we were finishing the project. Rather than a draft, we each picked our favorite team and another that we wanted and did a little haggling to settle on teams that everyone was happy with. What you see is our vision of what the ideal mashup uniform for each team would look like if it were up to us, pulling elements from most (if not all) of each team's past uniforms.
As always, we hope you enjoy looking at them and discussing them as much as we enjoyed creating them. Our club grew by five, but really it's a family. We love what we do and we all have goals in terms of design, but I think more than anything the bonds we are building in this group are the most valuable thing that could ever come out of it. -Mike Joseph aka

The Jersey Club:
Casey Vitelli - @caseyvitelli (Warriors and Wizards)
Seth Reese - @ninety4feet (Pacers and Cavs)
Mike Joseph - @SunsUniTracker (Suns and Hornets)
Evan Barcanic - @evxz17 (Grizzlies and Sixers)
Denver Gravitt - @denvergravitt (Mavericks and Nuggets)
Joseph - @design_NBA (Thunder and Nets)
Lance Hinesman - @Lance_Hinesman (Heat and Knicks)
Ryan Meils - @ryaninsix (Bucks and Timberwolves)
Tore - @Eikthyrne (Celtics and Spurs)
Nick Mueller - @studiomlr (Kings and Magic)
Caio Cardinot Martins- @shapeedits (Lakers and Trailblazers)
Slam - @SlamStudios (Bulls and Pelicans)
Emme - @emmegraphic (Hawks and Pistons)
Jazz - @JazzUniTracker (Jazz and Raptors)
Bryan - @icniivad (Clippers and Rockets)
Bonus Design - @NBAUniTracker (Sonics)